
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

1.1 Development of Higher Vocational-technical Education (HVTE) in China
中国HVTE源于职业大学(VU),中国的现代化计划始于20世纪70年代中后期。在从计划经济向市场导向型经济的巨大变革,新的产业和业务蓬勃发展,他们需要训练有素的人员来填补职位。因此城市政府回应的需求,开发城市职业大学(VUS)1980年,国家教委批准设立13所职业大学。金陵在南京,英语毕业论文,江苏省和武汉市江汉VU VU,湖北等省是其中之一。这13个VU的诞生标志着高等职业技术教育(HVTE)在中国的发展。后来,成立于1983年,33个VU和22分别于1984年和1985年成立。随着数量的迅速增加,中国的VU来到一个高峰。1985年,党中央对于教育体制改革的决议最初提出“我们应该发展进行了大规模的高等职业院校,逐步建立职业技术教育体系,从初级到更高的水平,这与公司整合,有一个合理的结构式动词与一般的教育系统“,这句话的的HVTE和职业教育体系的改进加快发展。HVTE in China originated from vocational university (VU), China'smodernization program started in the late 1970s. In the dramatic transformation fromplanning economy to market-oriented economy,new industries and business boomed,and they required trained personnel to fill job positions. As a result the city governmentsresponded to the demand by developing city vocational universities (VUs).In 1980,the State Education Commission approved to establish 13 vocationaluniversities. Jinling VU in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province and Jianghan VU in Wuhan, HubeiProvince were among them. The birth of these 13 VUs marks the beginning of thedevelopment of higher vocational-technical education (HVTE) in China. Later, 33 VUswere established in 1983 and 22 were established in 1984 and 1985 respectively. With therapid increase in number, VUs in China came to a peak.In 1985,英语论文范文,the Resolution of Central Committee on Education System Reforminitially presented that "We should develop higher vocational colleges on a large scale,and gradually establish a vocational-technical education system from elementary tohigher level which is integrated with enterprises, has a reasonable structure and can beconnected with the general education system”. This statement accelerated thedevelopment of HVTE and the improvement of vocational education system.

1.1.2 HVTE in the 1990s—steady development of HVTE
In the 1990s,the vocational-technical education developed steadily. In 1991,Decision of the State Council on Exerting Great Efforts to Develop the VocationalEducation was issued at National Vocational-technical Education Conference. Itpresented that “We should promote the reform of present VUs and establish a range ofhigher vocational colleges which can produce advanced and skillful workers”. In 1994, itwas presented in the National Education Conference that “The present VUs, some juniorcolleges and independent adult higher education institutes could be reformed to developin the direction of HVTE, and some important secondary vocational schools could beconverted to higher vocational-technical schools if necessary”. In Higher Education Lawof the People's Republic of China published in 1998, it was specified that “Theinstitutions of higher education in this law refer to universities, independent institutionsand junior colleges, including higher vocational colleges and adult higher institutions.,,This means HVTE has been defined as one type of higher education. The status of HVTEin higher education system is defined in the law for the first time.

1.1.3 HVTE in the 21st century一rapid development of HVTE
HVTE develops very fast in the 21st century. Government has issued manydocuments to promote the development of HVTE, including Decisions of the StateCouncil on Further Promoting the Reform and Development of the Vocational Education(No.16 [2017]), Decision of the State Council on Exerting Great Efforts to Develop theVocation
