关键词 商务口译,特征,口译分类,译员角色
Increasingly frequent international communications give rise to more active business interpretation activities, which have become a highly focused issue among interpretation researchers and professional interpreters. Besides some common characteristics with general interpretation, business interpretation has some its distinctive characteristics. Interpreters have realized that interpreters are neither a conduit in conversations nor a total participant from the development of interpretation theory. Complexity and ambiguity of interpretation makes it hard to give a definite definition to the role of interpreter. In business activities, how can interpreters judge their own role, what elements influence the role of interpreter, and what strategies can be taken? These are all questions remaining to be solved. Proceeding from characteristics of business interpretation, this essay tries to analyze and comment on the role of the business interpreter.
Keywords business interpretation, characteristics, classifications of interpretation, role of the interpreter
1 Introduction
With the burgeoning development of science and technology, the world has shrunk into a global village where people all over the world have become close neighbors although people across cultural borders speak different mother languages. Interpretation, without doubt, plays a most important role in this global communicative process. As a sun-rising industry, interpretation is rapidly and prosperously developing, deep inside people’s daily lives.