
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


法学英语,在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of the Law,即法学语言,在英语中指表述法学科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法学事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。法学英语是法学科学与英语语言学间交叉学科探讨的结晶,因此其探讨应从两个视角进行探寻。一方面,按照法学的观点、措施以及法学规范、法学文书的特殊需要来探讨英语在法律理论及实践中的应用;另一方面,应用语言学,尤其是运用语言学的基本原理和措施探讨法学科学和法学实践的英语语言特点。本文从法学英语词汇的来源入手,英语论文,归纳总结了法学英语词汇有别于普通英语的显著特点,进而研讨法学词汇翻译策略

关键词  法学英语, 词汇特点, 翻译策略


Legal English, in English-speaking countries is known as the Legal Language or Language of the Law, namely the Legal Language. In English it refers to the language or a part of certain Language, which is used to express the concepts of law science, and used in litigation or non-litigation legal affairs. Legal English is the crystallization of interdisciplinary research between science and English language, so the research should be conducted from two perspectives. On the one hand, to study the application of English in the theory and practice of law in accordance with the viewpoint and method as well as the legal norms of the law and the special needs of legal documents; On the other hand, to apply linguistics, especially the basic principle and method of applied linguistics to research legal science and legal English features. This thesis focuses on the sources of legal English vocabulary, summarizing the distinctive features of legal English vocabulary, and then discussing the strategies of legal English translation.

Keywords  legal English, vocabulary characteristics, strategies of translating

1  Introduction
Law reflects the will of the ruling class. It shall be formulated or approved by the state, and it is the code of conduct protected by the force of the state to ensure its implementation. And almost all of the legal norms are variety of language texts based on words formation. The legal English, in this paper, refers to the English language which is based on general English, formed and used in legislation and judicial practice with law professional characteristics. According to the social and cultural environment and communicative purpose, communicative objectives, and other pragmatic factors, in the long-term practice, people form this kind of language variation. It has its own special purpose and regularity as a language for special purpose (LSP). As the content of the legal text requires accuracy, rigor, objectivity and norm, legal English has great special legal significance in vocabulary.
