
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

随着全球经济一体化进程的加快和对外贸易的发展, 商务活动日益频繁。作为贸易活动中的沟通手段, 商务英语信函发挥着重要的影响。只有了解其语言特点才能更好的服务于外贸交流的目的。本文通过采用案例略论,文献略论和综合略论等探讨措施探析了商务英语信函的语言特征。侧重探讨了其词汇特征、语法特征和语篇特征, 并对相应的翻译技巧做细致的探索,英语论文范文,旨在揭示信函语言应用的规律和措施, 这关于促进商务沟通能更高效、更得体的实现具有重要的现实意义。

关键词  商务英语信函,词汇特征,句法特征,语篇特征,英语毕业论文翻译技巧


With the acceleration of global economic integrity and the booming of international trade, business activities are becoming more and more frequent. As one method of communication, business English correspondence has been put emphasis in and is playing an vital role. Only when we learn about the language character can we help to promote the foreign trade. Through case analysis, literature analysis and comprehensive analysis, this study intends to explore the linguistic features of business English correspondence. What’s more, this paper focuses on the research of its lexical feature, syntactic feature discourse feature and the translating strategies, aiming to reveal the regularity in language use in business correspondence, which will help to promote the business communication in a more efficient and more appropriate way.

Keywords  business English correspondence, lexical features, syntactic features, textual features, translation strategies

1  Introduction
The China's economic and diplomatic tie with foreign countries is fortifying so that business English correspondence is being put emphasis in the global commercial involvements. Business English correspondence, one of the most paractical and effective methods of global commercial communication, is pervaded in every stage and aspect of business activities.
Writing business English letters requires two types of knowledge: the efficiency of operations and good use of business language. Most people regard the knowledge of economic issues and the language ability and skills as the important factors to the excellent business English correspondence writing. Thus, many learners' books for business English correspondence writing and translating actually offer samples to different learners to do research, however there are few works and books which analyze the business English correspondence by studying the stylistic features and its translating strategies.
