
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





In recent years, with more and more American dramas introduced to China, the translation of American drama titles gets wider attention. Eugene Nida’s Functional Equivalence theory, also his most representative theory, is usually adopted as the theoretical support for drama title translation. The Functional Equivalence Theory does possess its guidance significance yet together with the danger of over-domestication. But this problem resulting from the disadvantages of the theory has been unreasonably overlooked in recent researches. How does the over-domestication problem prove itself in the translation of drama titles? Why would it happen under the Functional Equivalence theory? These questions should be answered. Therefore, this paper undertakes to have an analysis over the problem emerged in the process of drama title translation. This paper consists of five parts. The first part gives a brief introduction of the thesis, the background and significance of research and the framework of the thesis. The second part is to give a short introduction to the related theories. The third part explains the theoretical importance in the practice of drama title translation. The forth part analyses the existence of over-domestication problem in various types of drama titles. The final part is the conclusion. Based on the analysis, the over-domestication problem exists in those low quality translation which would not fully present it functions. This problem is also related to the defects of the Functional Equivalence theory. Translation should first concern the needs of viewers, but not follow certain theoretical support for the sake of theory basis.

Key words: Functional Equivalence Theory; over-domestication; American drama titles, translation
