
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Humor is an art of language which plays an important role in communication. The hilarious way that English humor expresses might be different compared with Chinese humor due to various elements such as ideology, social value, politics and etc. When westerners are reading Chinese pieces of work, they will have trouble in understanding the humorous side of Chinese. To this extent, a good translation is of a great importance. However, translating humor is not an easy task because a specific tone of one language could not definitely be translated into another, especially in accordance with pragmatic equivalence.
This paper will be devoted to humor translation in accordance with the theory of pragmatic equivalence, analyzing the previous relevant theoretical studies and practical cases, and trying to come up with the referential translation for humor. First, the paper will give a brief summary of English and Chinese humor from various aspects such as its source, history and feature. Then, the author will discuss the importance of pragmatic equivalence when it comes to translation practice. After these two steps have been done, the case study, considering the writing style of The Economist, will be divided into two sections to analyze the specific China’s reports of The Economist and attempt to point out the insufficient aspect of the previous translations on basis of pragmatic equivalence. Finally, the author will give some advice to the translation lovers about how to improve their approaches of delivering English humor in target context.

Key words: English humor, Chinese humor, humor translation, pragmatic equivalence, The Economist
