
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


结论指出:巴金译本旨在重现王尔德原文的形式和内容,译本语言明晰化程度低,体现了切斯特曼提出的“再现的伦理”。而谢毓洁的服务对象是儿童,英语论文题目,为了满足儿童读者的期待,她采用了归化的翻译策略来使得译文更明晰,更流畅和更有趣味性,体现了切斯特曼提出的“服务的伦理”。 同时谢毓洁在翻译过程中力求遵中国文化对童话文学翻译的期待,在一些地方使用成语和典故来保证译文在汉语文化中的易接受性。这里她所遵循的是切斯特曼提出的“基于规范的伦理”。



Oscar Wilde’s The Happy Prince is one of the earliest fairy tales introduced into China and has many Chinese translation versions. However, its translation study is still far from enough in China. This thesis chooses Ba Jin’s and Xie Yujie’s translations which have a largest time span among the available translation versions to analyze the differences in translation explicitation from the perspective of translation ethics. Firstly, this thesis will apply Seguinot’s definition to the explicitatin to compare the two translations and find out their differences. Then the author will analyze these differences under the guidance of Andrew Chesterman’s five translation ethics.
The analysis leads to the conclusion that while translating, Ba Jin tries to represent almost everything that includes syntactic structure of the source text with a low explicitation, which represents Andrew Chesterman’s “representation ethics”. By contrast, Xie Yuejie aims to serve for the children and in order to meet children’s expectation, she tries to make her translation more explicit, more fluent and more interesting with a strategy of domestication, which represents Andrew Chesterman’s “service ethics”. Meanwhile, in order to follow Chinese culture’s expectation to the fairy tale, Xie Yujie uses many words with Chinese characteristics, such as Chinese idioms and Chinese allusions, which represents Andrew Chesterman’s “norm-based ethics”.

Key words: The Happy Prince, Explicitation, Translation ethics
