
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Eugene A. Nida, who is a famous linguist, translator and translation theorist, put forward the theory of Functional Equivalence. Functional Equivalence is that translation is not rigid correspondence in text, but the realization of equivalence on function between two languages,that is to say, the TL receptor and the SL receptor have similar understanding and reaction. Since then, the F-E Theory has been applied by many translators, and they put it in the first place when translating.
Peking Opera is one of China’s five great operas, and it is the most influential one. For people from all over the world, Peking Opera is very attractive, not only because of its unique performing form, but also because of the mysterious eastern culture and history it contains. Peking Opera was born in the city of Beijing and the most fascinating one among other operas with a history of 200 years. However, for the foreigners who want to have a better understanding of Peking Opera, the conversion of language is of great importance. Today, as the world’s most widely used language, English would be the best language tool to popularize Peking Opera among peopl abroad. Therefore, this paper studies the Theory of Functional Equivalence and the Terminology of Peking Opera. And the author will try to investigate the specific translation strategies of Peking Opera Terminology under the principle of F-E Theory.

Key words: Peking Opera Terminology; Functional Equivalence Theory; translation methods

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