
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Some modern translation principles are from the traditional equivalence-based theory. But, they are sometimes not applicable to the translation practice. It brings both theoretical and practical to the study of new translation principles. With the development of business economy, the exchange of economic information as well as other information becomes more and more frequent.
First the author gives a brief introduction of exploring business news translation principles. In Chapter One, compared with the traditional equivalence-based theory, the functional theory and the Skopos theory are introduced.Their contents and features are obvious .In Chapter Two, the author analyzes news roughly and discovers that news translation aims at two things: Neologism and communication. Based on such purposes, the Skopos theory is more applicable than the equivalence-based theory. However, there are still problems in business news translation. So we should use methods to solve the problems based on the Skopos theory. Chapter three focuses on the interchangeable applications of the principles of business news translation on publicity. At last there is a brief summary. Generally, the principles which have been put forward can work interchangeably as an absolute whole. However, in the practical application each of them has its own special focus due to the types of source and different purposes of translation.

Key words: business news translation; skopos theory; translation practice

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