
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


With the rapid development of economic globalization and the deepening of Open-Up and Reform Policy, a large number of Chinese enterprises entered the global market and more foreign companies want to enter Chinese market. Advertisement, as the best way to promote products and to expand domestic and overseas market, embodies a lot of culture connotations. The readers of a translated text should easily understand and appreciate the translation in essentially the same manner as the original readers’ response to the original text. So, the translator should have a thorough understanding of the target language culture.
This thesis analyzes the lexical characteristics and translation skills of advertisements and it may provide help and guidance to the design of advertisements. This thesis consists of three parts. It firstly deals with the introduction of advertisement, followed by its definition, characteristics, function, current situation and further development. Then, it gives lexical analysis of advertisement. Finally, the paper summarizes the translation skills of the advertisement.

Key Words: advertisement; lexical analysis; translation skills

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