
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Nowadays with the rapid growth of economic, the trade between countries has become more and more frequent, and the competition between products and companies is fierce. It is not only the competition of products, culture plays an important role in this process. Brand as a product of culture, it is not only a symbol of the company and its products, but also an image of the company. Cultural differences have made a lot of troubles and difficulties in the brand translation.
    This paper gives the definition, characteristics of the brand, the requirements that should be achieved and the factors which influence the brand name translation combined with typical examples. Through systematic research and analysis effective methods and skills of brand translation will be discussed.

Key Words: brand; cultural differences; translation



关键词:商标; 文化异同; 翻译

1 Introduction
As the international communication becomes more and more frequent, trades between countries have increased rapidly in recent years. Brand translation is important during the process and it is closely related to cultural differences. However, when translating brands, there are many difficulties caused by cultural differences. Sometimes, it is difficult to find the suitable words in the target culture or the words in source language are in conflict with the meaning of the words in target language. This indicates that the same word may mean differently to people from different cultural backgrounds.  
