
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要:

诗歌作为特殊的文学体裁,它是一个民族语言文化的精髓, 是语言的艺术表现形式。中国古典诗词语言含蓄隽永,高度精练,意境丰富精深,因此,古诗英译不能仅仅致力于满足忠实对等准则,更要重视美感表达。《声声慢》为李清照所作品,其英译版本众多。本文以译学“三美”,英语毕业论文,即意美,音美和形美为基础,英语论文范文,对《声声慢》的两种英译版本进行略论和比较,以展现英译著作中的艺术美感。古诗词的风格是可译的,可以通过语言、音韵等手段最大限度地移植并再现,希望能为古典诗词的翻译提供积极的借鉴影响。



Chinese classical poetry, a special literary genre, is an art of language as well as the essence of Chinese language and culture. Meaningful and highly refined, Chinese classical poetry is full of rich and profound artistic conception. Therefore, when translating ancient Chinese poems into English, one shall pay more attention to the aesthetic expression, not only dedicate to pursuing the faithful equivalence. Shengshengman, written by Li Qingzhao, has been translated by many scholars and translators. With the principles of three beauties in translation as the basis, namely beauty in content, beauty in sound, beauty in form, the dissertation focuses on the comparison and analysis of the two English versions of Shengshengman, exposing the artistic beauty in the English translation. The author maintains that the style of ancient poetry is translatable, hoping to provide a positive reference for the translation of classical poetry.

Keywords: poem; Shengshengman; Li Qingzhao; three beauties.

1 Introduction
Shengshengman is a wonderful poem, written by well-known Chinese poet Li Qingzhao in ancient time. It has been passed down from generation to generation owing to its unique artistic appeal. Looking deeply into Li’s poems, we can further understand the essence and the beauty of Chinese poems, and it can explain why there are so many English versions of shengshengman translated by scholars.
Based on the versions translated by Xu Yuanchong and Xu Zhongjie, two masters of Chinese translation circle, this paper focuses on studying the form, the content and the sound. Firstly, this paper will talk about Xu Yuanchong's "Three Beauties "theory. Secondly, we appreciate Li Qingzhao and her poem- Shengshengman. Thirdly, there will be a contrastive analysis of the two versions of Shengshengman. Lastly, we can draw a conclusion that the reproduction of poetic spirit and beauty play a key role in poetry translation.
