
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


With the rapid development of the globalization, more and more TV shows and foreign movies pour into China. They gain a high popularity among Chinese people especially among the young generation. And as a result, subtitle translation, which has been considered as a newly started subject, has gradually drawn a lot of attention and research in translation field. The purpose of subtitle translation is to provide the most relevant information to the intended target audiences effectively. However, we are faced with a lot of limitations during translating, especially in cultural aspect. Because cultural differences are unavoidable, subtitle translation has become a big challenge to us.
However, academic researches about subtitle translation in China still lie in the preliminary stage. In this thesis, the author takes American sitcom The Big Bang Theory as a research example and selects typical dialogues involving cultural elements. And the author analyses these examples in a descriptive way and explores the appropriate approaches in subtitle translation.

Key words: subtitle translation, cultural elements, The Big Bang Theory



关键词:字幕翻译; 文化因素; 生活大爆炸

1. Introduction
In the context of globalization, cross-cultural communicative activities have become increasing popular and diversifier. In recent years, more and more films and TV plays from foreign countries have entered into our view through TV or Internet, e.g. Friends, The Big Bang Theory, and The Vampire Diaries. These TV series, in various plots and forms, enrich our lives, broaden our mind and deepen our understanding of foreign cultures. With the rise of foreign TV dramas and a large amount of films and TV plays being translated, the study of subtitle translation, as a newly developed branch, has gradually attracted people’s attention. Excellent subtitle translation not only can help the audience to overcome the difficulties in languages and understand the plot better, but also contribute to having a true feel of social culture in different countries.
