
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


    在现代化的商业竞争中,广告是作用消费者商品选择进而赢得市场地位的关键手段,是公司核心竞争力中营销手段的主要构成。广告一词由来已久,可以解释为激发大众对某物的兴趣和爱好,英语论文题目,进而唤起使用的欲望。众多成功的广告都配有精彩的广告语,这样具有明语言特色的广告语大多具有朗朗上口,经久不忘的效果,并且要结合广告的营销概念和文字的魅力来 引起听者或者观众了解商品的欲望。在这一广告营销策略的作用下,双关语因其具有简洁、生动、幽默的谐音效果而成为广告语创作的不二修辞格。但是由于语言、文化等的不同,英语论文,导致在双关语翻译中会出现不少的困难,本文将对此进行略论和说明,并提供了一些翻译措施来解决带双关语的广告翻译难的问题。



  In modern business competition, the advertisement is not only a crucial approach to influence customers’ option and win the market position, but also the main component of the corporation’s core competence. The word “advertisement” has a long history, and it could stimulate people’s interests and love to something, then arouse their desire to buy. A large number of successful adverts are equipped with splendid language, which is quite catchy and full of distinct characteristics. In that case, the pun, which is concise, vivid and humorous, becomes a popular rhetoric in the advertisement creation field. However, because of the linguistic differences and cultural differences, there come many problems when the pun is translated in English advertisement. In this paper, these problems would be analyzed and the correspondent strategies would be recommended.

Keywords: linguistics, advertisement, pun, translation

1.  Introduction
  In modern society, advertising has become an important part of our daily life. The severe competition between thousands of companies and the quick development of international exchanges creates a growing need for advertising and advertising translation. As a result, the cross-cultural advertising translation becomes a hot topic in the field of translation because it has a great impact on the international business and product selling.
  The pun is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement. But the translation of the pun is difficult because of the double meanings, and the translation of the pun in advertisements is even more difficult because one must keep both the double meanings of the pun and the pragmatic functions of the advertisement in mind. However, there is no source text that is absolutely untranslatable. We should try to adopt different strategies to turn untranslatability into translatability. All in all, it is apparent that we can translate English pun to Chinese.
