
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20



关键字:市场需求 课程大纲 制定准则


Translation, as a profession and a rising industry, calls for more professional translators. However, university graduates seldom meet the requirements, partly due to the ineffectiveness of translation teaching at university. Based on the findings of a market survey, this paper analyzes 50 teaching syllabus by various universities in order to put forth the principles of syllabus design and set up a market-oriented teaching mode.

Keywords: market demand; teaching syllabus; principles of syllabus design

1.    Introduction
According to data from the Translators' Association of China (TAC), there were over 3000 registered translation agencies national wide with 35,000 full-time ad thousands of part-time translators and interpreters. Even so, momentous market demand, with output value exceeding 30 billion Yuan, yet cannot be filled.This is partly due to the ineffectiveness of translation teaching.
Though domestic universities have provided thousands translation courses, translation teaching is still a weak point in English teaching. The traditional translation teaching model, with the emphasis on the instruction of language points and translation skills, is far from satisfaction in preparing students for the booming translation market. Therefore, the author tries to study the design of course syllabus, which is the fundamental part of teaching, so as to set up a suitable teaching mode.
The paper consists of five parts: Part 1 is an introduction. Part 2 elaborates the relevant literature which falls into three parts: the definition and role of syllabus and syllabus design. Part 3 reports the market survey while Part 4 is an analysis of 50 translation course syllabus. In the Conclusion part, some principles for syllabus design are put forward.
