
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





In the process of translation, it is a big headache for the translator to make choice between literal translation and free translation. So it is necessary to discuss how to make the proper choice between free translation method and literal translation method. Foregrounding theory in translation as an effective perspective to look at this problem was first put forward by Ye Zinan. This paper aims to explore the justification for the choice of translation methods from the perspective of foregrounding theory, and provide insights into the choice of literal translation and free translation for the translator. In order to elaborate the choice of translation methods, the paper also introduces Newmark’s discussion about language functions to provide a pragmatic perspective.
In view of Foregrounding theory, the translator has to differentiate between two kinds of foregrounding: one originates from the differences between Chinese and English as two linguistic systems; the other one is achieved by the author himself deliberately arranging linguistic resources. To identify and differentiate these two types of foregrounding, this paper first exemplifies the linguistic norms of the two languages, and then looks at the choice of translation methods in different contexts of foregrounding.
Based on the equivalence principle that if there is no foregrounding in the original, there should be no foregrounding in the translation, the analysis of the paper leads to the following conclusions: i) that when the structure of the original does not deviate from the source language norms, free translation method is preferred so that its translation fits into the TL norms and carries no foregrounding, either; ii) that as for the foregrounding achieved by the author himself deliberately arranging linguistic resources, the foregrounding in an expressive text should be literally translated in order to preserve the form, and that in a informative-function or vocative-function text should be rendered in free translation method in order to achieve functional equivalence.

Key words: foregrounding, literal translation, free translation, language functions
