
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





The operating instructions of digital products are the ways for the customers to learn about how to use the products correctly. It plays an important role in the transmitting of the information of the companies and products. But now, many translations of these products can not fulfill these functions well. Meanwhile, only a few scholars made research in the translation of this text and they just gave some translating skills for this kind of text. They have not analyzed the characters of the operating instructions, common translation strategies for the operating instructions and the standard of translating this kind of text. Hence, it is necessary and worthwhile to make a study on the translation of the operating instructions of digital products.
The aim of this paper is to make a deep study on the translating strategies of the operating instructions of digital products. This paper will make the study by analyzing the translation theory and cases. Through analyzing the instructions deeply, this paper finds out that the functions of this kind of instructions are to transmit the information of the products and companies to the readers, inform of them to know how to use the products correctly and trigger their interest in the products. These instructions focus on the acceptance and response of the readers. Hence, the paper concludes that the Text Typology of Newmark should be used in translating the operating instructions of digital products. Based on the analysis on Newmark’s theory and the character of these instructions, this paper will summarize the strategies in translating the operating instructions of digital products. Besides, this paper will prove how to apply these strategies by analyzing the translation of the operating instructions of a movie camera and a MP3.

Key words: translating strategies,    operating instructions, Text Typology, semantic translation, communicative translation
