
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


本篇文章的目的在于论证:童话英汉翻译中译者的读者意识对译文可接受性具有指导意义。首先,简单陈述了童话英汉翻译的发展。其次,根据接受理论阐述译者和读者在童话英汉翻译中的重要性,进而略论了译者和读者的合作联系以及译者的读者意识;再者,本文对Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland的两本中文译本进行比较,从词汇、语法、修辞三方面对译文进行略论,进而论证译者的读者意识在童话英汉翻译中的重要性。最后,英语毕业论文,得出结论:译者的读者意识对译文可接受性具有指导意义。



Fairy tales are greatly helpful for the children’s studying. With our country’s opening up to the outside world, fairy tales translation is a good way for children to learn more about the western countries. Reception theory claims that in translation the translators should pay great attention to the readers’ horizon of expectation, the readers’ psychology and the readers’ needs. Excellent authors of fairy tales do the writing with children’s eyes, thus, the translators should have the consciousness of readers in translation, and use simple expressions in translation so that the translated works can be more attractive to the children readers.
The purpose of this thesis is to testify the significance of translators’ consciousness of readers to the translated text’s acceptability for children in the English-Chinese translation of fairy tales. It firstly introduces the development of the English-Chinese translation of fairy tales concisely. Then, according to reception theory, the importance of the translators and the readers is described, meanwhile, cooperation of the translators and the readers and translators’ consciousness of readers are analyzed. Besides, in order to reflect the importance of translators’ consciousness of readers in the English-Chinese translation of fairy tales, two Chinese versions of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland are compared from lexical, grammar and rhetorical aspects. Finally, it concludes that translators’ consciousness of readers is significant for the children readers to accept the translated works.

Key Words: Translators’ Consciousness of Readers, Fairy Tales, English-Chinese Translation
