
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

随着全球化的进一步深入发展, 中国与世界的沟通和交流也日益频繁。在信息交流的过程中, 新闻翻译有着举足轻重的影响。读新闻首先要看的是标题, 标题可以说是新闻的“眼睛”。日常生活中, 面对纷繁复杂的新闻报道, 同时迫于时间的限制, 人们经常会根据新闻标题决定自己的阅读取舍。因此, 标题翻译在新闻翻译中至关重要。各种类型的新闻标题都力求其独特性, 本文就中英新闻标题各自的词汇, 语法, 修辞, 文化特点展开论述并针对这些特点探究更好的标题翻译措施。经探讨略论认为, 尤金•A•奈达的功能对等理论能够为新闻标题翻译实践过程提供正确的理论指导。新闻标题的主要目的就是为了满足读者的信息需要。而功能对等翻译理论除了注重形式, 还强调意义与信息的传达, 同时它注重读者对译文的反映, 在翻译过程中, 译者要使译文符合读者的语言文化习惯, 为其所接受。本文以功能对等理论为指导, 结合各类新闻标题例证, 介绍了几种标题翻译的具体措施。


With the further development of globalization, the communication between China and the world is becoming increasingly frequent; news translation plays an important role in the information transfer. News headline, which is called “the eye of a newspaper”, is appeared above the body of the news. In our daily life, facing numerous news reports and limited time, people usually look at the news headlines to decide whether they will read the news or not. So the news headline translation is of great importance in the translation of the whole news. However, every kind of headlines pursues its uniqueness. In this thesis, the lexical features, grammatical features, rhetorical features, and cultural features of both Chinese and English news headlines are approached for the purpose of seeking for a better method to translate news headlines. Research and analysis of quantities of English and Chinese news headlines show that Eugene A. Nida’s functional equivalence theory could be the theoretical basis of headline translation. The primary function of news headline is to transfer information to the readers, and functional equivalence theory emphasizes on meaning and shows great respect to the readers’ response. During the headline translation, the translator should try to make their translation realize those purposes and match language cultural code of the reader in order to be accepted by them. This thesis systematically introduces several methods of headline translation with varied examples under the guidance of functional equivalence.

Keywords: news headline; features; functional equivalence; translation
