
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要


关键词: 情感意义;可译性;不可译性;归化;异化;再创造 

Translation is not only to impart literal meaning, but also to reproduce the emotion of the author. Many translators do their utmost to pass them all accurately to the reader, only to find that it is very hard to handle. Due to divergences in living environment, language culture, social convention, and way of thinking, Chinese differ itself from English to a large extent. Consequently, disparity in language and perception arises, which inevitably results in phenomenon of untranslatabity and the loss of affective meaning.
This paper in its first step generally discusses the reason for the loss the affective meaning in translation, then analyses this problem in terms of linguistics and culture from the perspective of translatability and untranslatability. Finally some strategies are proposed to address the above problem, namely creation for loss, foreignization and domestication.

Keywords: affective meaning; translatability; untranslatability; foreignization; domestication; creation

Chapter 1 Introduction
Language is not only a communicative tool, but also a social bond. When we interact with other people, we are not just conveying literal meaning of the utterance. As the Chinese saying goes, “what we say comes from our heart”. It means language embodies affective factors, expressing one’s preference or antagonism, love or hatred, commentary or derogatory emotions in overt or covert manner. And it is particularly demonstrated in such literary form as novel, poetry, essay, drama, etc. Now that language is a media to express both meaning and emotions, the study of affective meaning is instrumental in the study of language.
1.1 Affective meaning
As far as affective meaning is concerned, apart from the theory of Seven Types Of Meaning proposed by Geoffery Leech, there is also “three types of meaning” proposed by Eugene A. Nida. Starting from the equivalence of translation, Nida generalizes language’s three major kinds of meaning, which is linguistic meaning, referential meaning and emotional meaning. [1] So Nida pay keen attention to how we process affective meaning in translation, which we can find manifestation in his translation of Bible, as well as other translation work.
