
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要


The culture of Chinese food enjoys a long history and the cooking skills are at the peak of the world together with France and Italy. Chinese food is scattered all over the world. Since the reform and opening up to the outside world, China’s tourist industry has developed rapidly and the communication and cooperation is increasingly frequent between China and other countries. As food is the necessity for man, it plays a significant role in a national culture; especially in Chinese culture with five thousand years’ history. Food is a topic that will never fade. Starting a conversation with food will not only show and spread the culture with Chinese characteristics to international friends, but also promote better cooperation, for many businesses are negotiated at the table. So it is of great significance that the translation of Chinese dishes should be accurate and preserve Chinese food culture at the same time. This article puts forward the principles and skills of the translation of Chinese dishes based on the analysis of the former theoretical researches. It also puts forward some suggestions on this respect with the hope that it could help to translate more accurately Chinese dishes.        

Keywords: Chinese dishes; translation; translation skills; culture

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Previous Researches or Findings in This Respect 
Since food is the basic human need, wherever you go, you cannot live without it. Dishes are the main part of Chinese food and a part of Chinese culture. Today’s China is an opening country. Since the reform and opening up, especially since China joining in the WTO in 2017, many foreigners have come to visit China, do businesses or work. When they have a meal in Chinese restaurants, the English names of dishes often puzzle them for various reasons. The most typical  example is in some restaurants “tongziji”is translated into “chicken without sexual life.The name of a dish gives first impression of itself to a person, so the translation should not give any wrong messages to mislead people, especially foreigners. Therefore, we should study on the subject of how to translate Chinese dishes properly.
