
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Language and culture have a close relationship with each other. Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it; on the other hand, culture influences language. The language system of a nation highly reflects the geographical environment, history and culture, social customs, living styles, and ways of thinking of the nation. There are many words about plants in both Chinese and English. Because of the unique characteristics and living environment of plants, the plant terms have different symbolic meanings.
This thesis starts with the discussion about the relationship between language and culture. Then it focuses on the analysis of five different modes of symbolic meanings: the same plant words with the same symbolic meanings; the same plant words with different symbolic meanings; plant words with symbolic meanings only in Chinese; plant words with symbolic meanings only in English; the same symbolic meanings with different plant words. Finally, this paper offers three main methods for translating plant words: word-for-word translation, replacement of images and free translation.

Key words: plant word, difference, translation




1. Introduction
1.1 Relationship between language and culture
The relationship between language and culture is very complex. Language and culture interacts each other through the entire history of human beings. Culture influences and shapes language. With the development of science and technology, culture has become increasingly complicated, and language has become increasingly rich. Language and culture rely on each other and influence each other. Therefore, if we don’t have enough knowledge about the culture of a language, we can not use the language appropriately. To make matters worse, we may make mistakes during the communication. The Chinese culture and English culture are different from each other. So we should focus on the comparative study of these two different cultures.
