
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘    要


关键词:翻译  广告英语  美学


With the development of international exchanges and fierce competition,there is a growing demand for efficient international advertising communication and translation.For a long time,studies have been made on the language and translation of advertisements. However,most of the researches focused on the practical function but failed to study the translation of advertising English through an aesthetic approach.This thesis is a study on functionalist approach to advertising translation from the perspective of receptive aesthetics.This essay is mainly discuss the funtional method on the translation of Ads and how to use aesthetic words to make the target language more lively.The article is divided into six parts .
The first part is talking about the reserch background
The second part is the introduction of previous research on Ads translation
The third part is mainly describe the features of Ads English
The forth part is declare the general principles in translation English Ads
The fifth part is talking about the representaion of beauty in language
The last part is a conclusion of the whole article

key words: translation  advertising English  aestheticism

1 Introduction
With frequent communication in the world and acceleration of economic globalization,more and more advertisements pour into people’s life.As a very practical type of writing with a high commercial value,advertising plays an indispensable role in international marketing.It is the ultimate purpose of all commercial advertisements to persuade the target audience into buying a product.Advertising is not only a commercial activity,but also a cross-cultural communication. With the application of various translation methods such as transliteration,free translation, and literal translation,advertisements translated sometimes still fail to function satisfactorily.
