
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


With the rapid development of global economy, the economic communications between different countries are much more frequent than ever before, and trade frictions in international exchange are not uncommon. Under this circumstance, it is particularly important to regulate the explanation and translation of laws concerning the global economy. The understanding and translation of legal documents will strongly influence the interests of the parties of global economic activities. In order to make a tentative study on legal translation, this thesis will demonstrate the characteristics of legal documents and offer the strategies of legal translation by making a case study on CISG related to translation theories. The characteristics of legal documents are as follows: 1. professional words, 2. transformation of verbs into nouns, 3. multi-modified nouns, 4. formal words, 5. long sentences, 6. if-clauses, 7. shall-clauses, 8. passive voices. The strategies of legal translation offered by the author are as follows: 1. restriction in word choice, 2. the usage archaic terms, 3. professionalism plays a vital role, 4. conciseness in long sentence translation.

KEYWORDS:legal documents; characteristics; strategies

摘 要

随着世界经济的迅猛发展,各国间的经贸往来较之以前更为频繁,英语论文范文,贸易摩擦不断涌现,由此引发的国际诉讼也时有发生。在此背景下,规范国际经济活动的各国法学规章制度的解释和翻译显得尤为重要,对法学文本的正确理解与否翻译是否得当将直接导致各方的利益得失。为了研讨国际经贸往来中涉及的法学文本翻译,本文试图借用翻译理论,以联合国国际货物销售合同公约作为案例,英语论文题目,从法学文本的特点入手,略论和讨论法学文本翻译中的相关对策。法学文本的特点如下:1.专业词汇,2.动词的名词化,3.名词的多重修饰,4.正式词汇,5.长句,6.if从句,7,shall从句,8.被动语态。法学文本的对策如下:1.选词的单一性,2. 使用古体词,3.专业知识的重要性,4.长句翻译的简洁性。


1. Introduction
With the increasingly fast development of economic globalization, China’s economic communication and trade cooperation with the outside world is also greatly promoted. The laws are urgently needed to ensure a safe environment of global economy because of the complication and diversity of the international commercial activities. Therefore, the importance of legal documents translation is continuously increasing. However, the abstruse and intricate language in legal documents makes English Chinese legal documents translation very difficult.
