
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


With the advance of business globalization and the rapid development of our economy, professional international business people are heavily demanded. In recent years, more and more Business English training courses have been opened to enterprises and individuals by training institutions and colleges. However, because of marked differences in training philosophy, resources and forms, the lever and effect of training are rather spotty. In order to make Business English training practical and effective, it is necessary to rationally design the training course.
This paper intends to discuss the course design of Business English training under reflection of convention and exhibition interpretation practice. It consists of four parts: Part one clarifies the concept and characteristics of Business English. Part two analyzes existing problems of present Business English training. Part three introduces needs analysis as the first step for Business English training course design. Part four elaborates the design of course aims, course content, teaching methods and assessment system of Business English training.

KEYWORDS"Business English, course design, needs analysis, convention and exhibition interpretation

摘 要



1.    An Overview of Business English
With China’s entry into WTO and further opening to the outside world, the whole society communicate with other countries every moment, covering the different fields of science, technology, economy and so on. Therefore, multidisciplinary talents who have not only good English skills, but also enough professional knowledge about diplomacy, science and technology, foreign trade, law, finance, accounting are badly needed.
