
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Functionalist skopos theory is the latest achievement in the field of translation. Skopos theory breaks through the confinement of the traditional translation theories by providing the translator more strategies to choose from. Critics give more compliment than criticism to it; therefore there is a lack of study on the negative side of skopos theory. Many translators have contributed their translations of Lun Yu (The Analects of Confucius). Lin Yutang's The Wisdom of Confucius and Arthur Waley’s The Analects of Confucius published at the same year both evoked great repercussion. Researchers have made a lot of studies on the English versions of Lun Yu; but we can find little study of English versions from the perspective of skopos theory; in order to enrich the study, the author makes comparisons between the two versions on book titles, structures, sentences and annotations from the perspectives of skopos theory. The author acknowledges the positive effects brought by skopos theory to the translation process and evaluates the applications of skopos theory in the translation of Lun Yu in the following aspects: 1) Contradictions of skopos theory in the strategies choosing, 2) the effect of translators' subjectivity on translation quality, 3) the application defects of skopos theory in appreciating translation works. The author draws the conclusion that there exist some limitations with the skopos theory in interpreting the translations. The author hopes all the study can help a little the further study of skopos theory and Lun Yu translation.

Key Words: Skopos theory; Lun Yu; Problems in application; Translation quality



关键词:翻译目的论 论语 目的论应用问题 翻译质量

