
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Intercultural translation, which has always been an intractable field, is evidently difficult; not only because of the differences between the source language and the target language, but also because of the gap between the source culture and the target culture, which is almost impossible to leap over. According to Huang Gaoxin’s Quantitative Approach on English-Chinese verse translation, a translation can be measured mainly with four rules: 1. The number of stanzas and lines; 2. The number of meters and pause; 3. The number of words and Chinese characters; 4. The patterns of rhythms. The three representative translations of the verse A Red Red Rose are respectively analyzed with this approach in this thesis, as well as from the angle of cultural translation, so as to illustrate the caprice and unpredictability in verse translation caused by cultural and literal differences, which is difficult to be measured by any tangible rules; and a translation should also be valued according to its function as well as its contest.

KEYWORDS:Intercultural translation; Verse translation; Quantitative Approach.

摘 要



1. Introduction of research background
Translation is usually being referred as an art in virtue of its uncountable possibilities with different translators; and poetry, featuring by a strong sense of rhyme and linguistic regularity, requires much more in translation, thus poetry translation has long been considered as a special session in the field of translation. Robert Frost said: Poetry is what gets lost in translation. Actually in translation practice, poetry translation is indeed much more difficult than other literary forms, and a few translators were so pessimistic even to name it as “untranslatable”. “Poetry is the only rhyming literary form, it represents order and aesthetics ”, while English and Chinese belongs to two language families, the two languages are greatly different from each other in both order and aesthetics; thus the translations from either language to the other must be varied in many aspects such as style, length, diction or tone. It is common that two translations do not contain even a common word although they are translated from the same poem, and one translation may be twice the length of the other.

