
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


English business contracts play an important role in the process. The purpose of translation is to transfer the meaning of original text to target readers accurately and completely. Nida’s functional equivalence theories emphasize the readers and pay attention to reader’s reactions. On the bases of the lexical features of English business contracts, this study is focus on analyzing the application of functional equivalence on the translation of English business contracts. Hope to make contribution to new learners for reference.
KEYWORDS: English-Business-Contracts; Functional-equivalence; Nida

摘    要


关键词:英语商务合同;功能对等; 奈达

Nowadays, China is increasingly involved in the world economy and international trade. As a main communicating language of foreign economic activities, business English plays an increasingly important role in international trade. In sino-foreign economic and commercial cooperation, when an agreement is reached through negotiations or exchanges of correspondence by the parties concerned, most transactions are concluded through the execution of a formal written document, contract, as a legal basis for the establishment of business relationship. Therefore, the translation of English contract becomes an important branch of applied translation. Many scholars have carried on researches on the translation of English contract from different perspectives. Among all of those scholars, the most prominent one probably is Equivalence Theory. Numerous researches have been conducted on equivalence theory.

