
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





With the development and globalization of economy, brand names of international fame are becoming more and more important. The translation of brand names from one language to another is a heated topic in the field of the translation of practical writings now. People with different cultural background may view the same thing totally different. So we should be sensitive to the cultural differences so as to avoid misunderstanding brand names. The brand name is a special kind of language symbol. It not only performs its language symbol function, but also draws the consumers’ attention and interest, encouraging consumers to buy the goods. The brand name is a product of culture. Since there are big differences in geographical environment, religious practices, literary, mode of thinking, and the social values between English countries and China. English and Chinese brand names have great differences in cultural origins and connotations. This article analyzes the cultural differences between English and Chinese brand names, points out the problems existing in brand name translation and then puts forward the solutions to them.

Key words: globalization of economy;brand names; cultural background;cultural background;  product of culture

1 Introduction
In order to get the attention and interest of foreign customers, help them to understand the brand names correctly and achieve the expected effect while exporting goods, probing into the cultural connotations of brand names is needed.Many a scholar has devoted their energy to the study of translation of brand names and brought out a variety of theories about it. In 1970s AL Rise and Jack Trout brought forward the concept of Positioning, which has been counted as one of the basic ways and means of brand positioning.
