
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

It is indisputable that Chinese classical poetry is a great cultural treasure with its refined language, profound thought, rich imagery, strong passion as well as distinctive rhyme and rhythm and possesses extraordinary aesthetic value. With the expedition of global integration and expansion of cultural exchanges across the world, it is right and necessary to step out to the world. However, there’s a hot dispute about the translated works of Chinese classical poetry. This paper’s object is restricted to Tang poems and their various translations. The author catalogs and compiles the famous translators both in domestic and abroad into two main schools, one is the representation school and the other is recreation school to their translation strategies and the weakness and strengths by analyzing different translates works from three aspects, namely form, sound, and image, which enlightens translators to modify the translation theories in order to get translated works closer to the originals, to have a profound understanding of the linguistic differences between the target language and the source language, to gain a distinct understanding of the esthetic effects and to keep a keen understanding of the specific cultural contexts and the purposes of the original authors. Beyond doubt, it’s difficult for translators to translate poetry, especially Chinese classical poetry and even more difficult for them to step on the summit of poetry translation where the translated verse can express the original both in appearance and in spirit. It’s a kind of loss and gain. Whereas trials and contributions has been made by generation after generation.

Key words:Chinese classical poetry; Representation school; Recreation school; Translation strategies

摘  要:
毋庸置疑,中国古典诗歌中国文化之瑰宝,以其精炼的语言、深厚的思想、丰富的内涵、高尚的情操和独特的音韵节奏独领风骚,是所有文学体裁中最唯美的表现形式。随着当今全球化进程的不断加快和不同文化间的相互交融, 中国古典诗歌更应跨出国门,英语论文范文,踏进世界文化宝库之中。然而,一直以来,中国古典诗歌的翻译始终是一个争论不休的话题。诗歌的可译与不可译,用什么措施来译成为争论的焦点。笔者将从唐诗,这一典型的中国古典诗歌入手,介绍国内外诗人及翻译家译诗理论及其译文,英语论文题目,并将其归纳总结。最终将中国古典诗歌翻译流派分成了:再现派和再创作,并从诗歌音、形、意三方面对比略论,权衡利弊。通过这种略论,有助于帮助译者对英汉两种语言有更深刻的理解,有助于对中国文化意境及美学追求有更显著的领悟。诗歌翻译就其本身而言是一种审美翻译,很难达到音、形、意三者的有机统一。但翻译家们一直在努力尝试,尽其所能使译文更从形式上和内容上更接近原作。


1 Introduction
Classical Chinese poetry is the essence of Chinese literature which is characterized by its refined language, profound thought, rich imagery, strong passion as well as distinctive rhyme and rhythm and reaches its prime time in Tang Dynasty. It is a great national heritage and also what is national is universal. As Shelley says, “A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.” This paper is restricted to the Tang poetry and by studying them, translators can have a profound understanding of the linguistic differences between the target language and the source language, and it also enlightens them to modify the translation theories in order to get translated works closer to the origins. Besides as a translator, he can balance loss and gain in Chinese classical poetry translation.

