
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

作为公司进入国外市场的关键,商标翻译不仅要准确而且要符合目标语文化。为了使翻译更自然表现出商品内涵和美感,译者可以根据功能翻译理论指导,采用有效的翻译策略和翻译措施,尽可能的跨越文化的障碍,来完成商标翻译的目的。本文先简要地介绍了商标的定义和影响,阐明了商标翻译在商业中的重要影响。接着论文详细突出商标的特点和翻译过程中会出现的问题,介绍翻译中经常采用的一些措施,英语论文范文,如音译法、直译法等等, 还介绍了商标翻译中应该遵循的几项准则,英语论文范文,最后总结了商标翻译的重要意义,强调了商标翻译实现了商标的功能

关键词: 商标;功能理论;翻译;技巧

    As the key to enter the foreign market for a company, a trademark need a accurate translation, as well as meet the target language culture. To make the translation naturally expresses the connotation and beauty of product, translator should base on the functional translation theoretical, and use effective translation strategies and translation methods to complete the trademark translation without culture barrier. This paper briefly introduces the definition and function of the trademark, and clarify the importance of trademark translation in commerce. Then this paper highlights the features of trademark and existing problems in the process of translation, some methods of trademark translation are described in details, such as transliteration, literal translation and so on, and also introduces some principles of translation. Finally, sum up the significance of trademark translation, and the aim is to achieve the function of trademark translation.

Key words: trademark; functionalist perspective; translation; methods

1 Introduction
    A classic trademark always gives people a deep impression, also can meet the spiritual and material needs of consumers. Therefore, the sellers always rack their brains to build a variety of interesting and novel trademarks to attract consumers (Ana, 2017). So in the process of trademark translation, an effective translation can propagate the commodity, help establish a good image of the product, and stimulate consumption desire of consumers. The trademark translation should have language culture features, meet customers’ standards in linguistic and aesthetic. At the same time, translation need to provide necessary information of the goods. The trademark take the language as a medium, through the language, it reflects a particular cultural significance.
Therefore, trademark translation not only fully reflects cultural characteristics and traditions, but also accepted ultimately by the target language culture. Functional theory gets rid of the constraint of the original text, introduced the text function and purpose of translation into the translation studies. Form the view of functional theory, the translator does not blindly stick to the original text, but to consider how to achieve special features of the text and purpose of translation.
