摘 要
Humor exists everywhere. No mater in Chinese or English language, humor is an significant form of communication. So it is quite necessary and important to understand different humor in different languages under cultures in nowadays. Many people agree that humor is as hard as poems to be translated. As far as the author is concerned, humor can be translated as long as right strategies are adopted. So in this paper, the author intends to analyze the humorous dialogues in American sitcom Friends by using Skopostheory. Skopostheory is a theoretical revolution which began in the mid-to-late 1970s and it regards translation a purposeful and intercultural process. The theory states that all the translation actions have their specific purposes, which determine the whole process of translation. Friends is a story about six friends living and growing mature together for more than ten years. As a piece of series play, it fully shows the friendship and love in ordinary people. In this paper, the Skopostheory provides a unique criterion for the assessment of the translation accuracy. It tries to reduce the difficulty of understanding the humorous dialogues between Western and Chinese audiences as well as proves the translatability of culture as well. The Skopostheory includes the Skopos rule, Coherence rule and Fidelity rule.
Key words: humorous dialogues; translation; Skopostheory; Friends
1 Introduction
In recent years, with the development of domestic and international economy and integration, the exchanges between us and the rest of the world have become increasingly frequent, in which the cultural exchange occupies a prominent position. With the attention caused by the American Situation Comedies since 1990s, and it has become a window for us to take a glance of American society and its culture. Friends is one of the most attractive American sitcoms. Its humor has appealed millions of viewers at home and abroad.