
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

数字,是人类语言中的一个特殊部分, 在人类文明发展中逐渐成为了人类文化的载体。在英汉两种不同的语言中, 单存的数字意义是一致的,英语论文,是一种用来表示数的书写符号。但是, 由于各个使用数字的民族其本身文化的不同, 并受宗教、历史、社会习俗等因素作用, 部分数字被虚化, 产生了不同的联想意义,从而组成了大量的数字词和习语, 形成一种独特的数字文化现象,这也就赋予了英汉数字迥然不同的文化特色。本文探索了英汉数字在两种文化背景下的不同内涵,英语毕业论文,提出了运用于英汉数字翻译翻译措施,从而避免在跨文化交际活动中因文化异同而引起误解和冲突。在世界全球化的今天, 开展中西方数字文化的探讨关于发展中西方跨文化交际具有重要的现实意义。



Numbers, as a particular part of language system, has gradually become a kind of carrier of human culture. It has consistent meaning both in Chinese and English language when we consider a number as a pure figure, it's just a graphic symbol that shows the quantity. However, due to the use of different nations and the influence of religion, history, social customs and other factors, some of the numbers gets grammaticalized, resulting in a different extended meaning. It has formed a large number of numeral words and idioms which lead to form a unique phenomenon of numeral culture. This also causes big different cultures features between English and Chinese numeral words. This article explores the different meanings of numeral words or numeral idioms under English and Chinese cultural background. With regard to two different numeral cultures, it puts forward some translation methods. And what is more important is that the paper proposes an effective way to reduce the conflicts between Chinese and English numerical expressions, which has practical significance for the cross culture communication.
Key words: number; Chinese; English; cultural connotation; translation

1  Introduction
When we mention numbers, people always associate them with math and research them as science. But what is the definition of numbers? As I know, number is a part of language and plays an important role. Nothing can replace it because of its comparable function. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary: “A number is a word or symbol that represents an amount or a quantity; Numbers are used before a figure to show the position of something in a series”. This is the basic meaning of numbers. But in the process of developing, maturing and evolving, number has more and more meanings which are caused by the different culture.
