
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




Language, culture and translation are interrelated and interact on each other. Language is the carrier of culture, and translation is a bridge transmitting language and culture. Language and culture have close relationship with each other, and vocabulary is the most active element of the language system. In both English and Chinese there are great sums of plant words that are embodied with cultural connotation. This paper offers an analysis of the corresponding modes of cultural connotation on Chinese and English plant words, including the plant words with identical denotative and connotative meaning; the plant words with denotative meaning but different connotative meaning; connotative meanings only in Chinese or English. This paper bases itself upon the comparative study of plant words with cultural connotation in Chinese and English. In addition to the overall research, it shows the translation strategies, including literal translation, free translation, foreignization and domestication on this paper lastly. Here the author uses the translation strategies of foreignization and domestication to translate culturally-loaded plant words in order to make the cross-cultural communication smoothly. The paper mainly focuses on the relationship between the comparative cultural connotative study on plant words with cross-culture communication and translation practices.

Key words: plant words; cultural connotation; translation strategies;

1 Introduction
Culture and language are two fundamental concepts of anthropological linguistics. A culture is then a shared and learned knowledge that is reflected by its language. In return, a language is restricted by its culture. The notion of culture propounded by the influential school of symbolic anthropology is a system of shared symbols. Language, as part of the shared symbols of a certain community, would be an indispensable part of cultural practice.
