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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

中国饮食文化内涵丰富、博大精深,英语论文题目,因此享誉“世界烹饪王国”。中式菜肴林林总总, 丰富多彩, 其命名方式, 既有现实主义的写实手法, 又有浪漫主义的写意笔调, 既蕴含着丰富的历史文化背景, 又充满着民俗情趣和地方风味。因此, 有的菜名已不单纯是一个菜肴的名称,而是一个可引发丰富联想的艺术品名, 有的菜名背后还流传着动人的传说。在这个文化交流日益频繁的时代,在对外传播过程中有效传播我国饮食文化具有重要意义。中国式菜名在一定程度上体现了中国饮食文化的特色。将中式菜名翻译成准确优美的译文显得格外重要。而当前中式菜名的翻译很不规范。因此对中式菜名的翻译措施进行探讨显得十分必要。本文研讨了中国式菜名文化内涵、英译准则和技巧,以及在翻译过程中存在的错误。通过对中式菜名的英译的略论,论文旨在增强翻译实践能力,促进跨文化交流,英语论文网站,推动中国饮食文化在世界范围内的传播和接受。


As China has intensified its communication with the rest of the world, the overseas-oriented communication concerning Chinese food culture is of significance due to the profound culture connotation and long history, which is renowned as the Kingdom of Cooking. Chinese dish names, especially those full of Chinese intelligence and humor, are the main reflection of the culinary culture of our nation. It can reflect the uniqueness of Chinese food culture. It is very important to translate Chinese dishes accurately and elegantly, although it is too far enough formal. So it is necessary to scratch the translation methods of Chinese dishes. Good translation of Chinese dishes into English is all the more important for the promotion of the multi-cultural globe and cross-culture communication. The paper explores the culture connotation, translation skills, principles and existing problems of Chinese cuisine name. The paper begins with an introduction to Chinese dishes and a rough classification of the Chinese dish names, with an aim to improving translation efficiency, promoting cross-cultural communication, and promoting Chinese food culture throughout the world.

Key words: Chinese dish names; culture connotation; translation principles; translation skills; translation existing problems 

1 Introduction
1.1 The purpose of this paper
    The traditional food of a nation reflects its historical and cultural characteristics. As an old Chinese saying goes:” People regard food as their prime want, and food safety should be given the top priority.” From that we know, people consider food as the most important thing. China, with its deep culture connotation and development of her food, is renowned as the Kingdom of Cooking. With the increasing international exchanges between China and foreign countries, more and more people take delight in making trips to China, also they are familiar with the profound Chinese culture. As a reflection of China's culture and history and the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese people, Chinese cuisine plays an important role of a window through which foreigners could find the magic attraction of China.

