
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要

这篇论文旨在略论雪莱的西风颂中移就的翻译,英语毕业论文英语论文范文,以便更好的了解和欣赏这篇不朽的诗作。多年来,大量国内外学者从各种角度探讨这首诗。然而,这些先前的探讨几乎没有涉及诗中移就的应用。移就是英语的一种修辞,在西风颂中被频繁使用。移就能加强句子的生动性和简洁性, 然而它的这种特性,也为翻译工作增添了困难。因此,对于如何在译文中达到句子的生动性和简洁性这一问题值得研讨和探讨。这篇论文将在尤金奈达的功能对等理论的指导下开展, 探讨这首诗的翻译是如何达到功能对等,体现移就的简洁和生动性。功能对等理论是尤金奈达最为重要,最具作用力的翻译理论。应用这一理论不仅能够使翻译中的错误最少化,而且还能在源语言和目标语言之间达到功能和形式的一致。通过这种措施,作者将总结出移就的翻译措施。



The chief aim of this paper is to analyze the translation of the transferred epithet in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s masterpiece Ode to the West Wind clearly with the purpose to have a better understanding and appreciation of this immortal work, moreover, to master the way of the translation of the transferred epithet. For years, a great number of scholars at home and abroad have studied on this poetry from many different aspects. However, few of these former studies related to the transferred epithet used in the poem. Transferred epithet is an English figure of speech which is frequently used in Ode to the West Wind, contributing to the vividness and conciseness of sentences. However, due to this kind of feature, it also adds difficulties to translation. Therefore, the study about how to achieve the vividness and conciseness of sentences in target text is worth discussing and studying. This paper will be carried out under the lead of Eugene A.Nida’s functional equivalence theory, studying that how the translations of this poem achieve functional equivalence and represent the conciseness and vividness of transferred epithet. Functional Equivalence is the most important and influential translation theory advanced by Eugene.A.Nida. Using functional equivalence theory can not only minimize errors in translation but also achieve the coherence in function and form between the source and the target languages. In this way, the author will figure out the translation methods of transferred epithet.

Key words: Ode to the West Wind; transferred epithet; functional equivalence;translation methods

1 Introduction
The chief aim of this paper is to analyze the translation of the transferred epithet in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s masterpiece Ode to the West Wind clearly with the purpose to have a better understanding and appreciation of this immortal work, moreover, to master the way of the translation of the transferred epithet.
1.1 Background
In the poem Ode to the West Wind, there are a great mass of sentences presenting the use of transferred epithet. For instance, “dead thoughts”, “decaying leaves” and “Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red” and so on, all of these expressions are using this rhetorical device.
