
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要



Film is a popular art with both artistic and commercial values, is one of the most influential mass media. With the deepening of China’s reform and opening-up, large quantities of English films are introduced into China. A film title, just as the brand of the film, not only reveals the story, but also attracts the audiences. However, up to now nearly no one has offered a systematic and feasible principle to guide film title translation. Having chosen film title translation as the topic, the author of this thesis hopes that attentions would be drawn to the Chinese translation of English film titles both in theory and practice. Proceeding from the characteristics of film title, this thesis puts forward the principles guiding the English film title translation based on the collection and study of the literature and analyzes main translation methods applied in English film title translation with rich examples. In the end, this thesis discusses and compares some top translation of English film titles into Chinese. Thus it may safely draw the conclusion that film title translation is important and creative work. In order to realize the industrialization and commercial value of film, Chinese researchers need see translation as a purposeful activity and have an exploratory discussion on film title translation.

Key words: film title; translation; characteristics; principles; methods

1 Introduction
Nowadays, communication between countries with different cultures becomes more and more frequent. Film, as a part of culture, a popular art with both artistic and commercial values, is one of the most influential mass media. Ever since China adopted the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world at the end of the 1970s, large quantities of foreign films especially English films have entered the Chinese market and played an important role in Chinese people’s recreational life. 
Since very few Chinese people can understand original English films, all the original works have to be translated to reach the vast audiences. Film translation is quite a challenging job, owing to cultural differences between China and western countries. Therefore, the deep research of film translation can provide a great chance for numbers of outstanding English films to step into Chinese stage, and through these films, let countless numbers of Chinese audiences realize the strong exotic emotional appeal of cultural feast. Consequently, with the increase in cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world, especially with the western countries, film has gradually stood out as one of the important medium of communication. At the same time, film translation becomes an important activity to promote cross-cultural communication and understanding.
