
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

The indivisible relationship between language and culture, determines the close relationship between culture and translation. That is, translation is not just for cross-linguistic communication, but for cross-cultural communication. Idioms are the core and quintessence of languages. They not only carry colorful information but also symbolize the characteristics of cultures. As the core of Chinese, Chinese idioms have characters of being short, concise and meaningful. Because of the geographical conditions, customs and religions, Chinese idioms indicate the differences of Chinese and foreign culture, which decide the diversity and complexity of the translations. This paper will focus on the analysis and comparison of cultural differences of Chinese and English and explore the methods of proper English translation for Chinese idioms.

Keywords   Chinese idioms   cultural features and differences   translation strategies


关键词  汉语成语   文化特色与异同   翻译策略

1. Introduction
Idioms, which represent short sentences or phrases, are the core and quintessence of languages. Without them, languages may read dull and colorless. They not only carry colorful information but also symbolize the characteristics of cultures. As the core of Chinese, Chinese idioms have characters of being short, concise and meaningful; they are originated from the process of Chinese people’s practice and their understanding of life for thousands of years. The proper English translation of Chinese idioms can make the cross-cultural communication smoother and more efficient. Because of the geographical conditions, customs and religions, Chinese idioms indicate the differences of Chinese and foreign cultures, which decide the diversity and complexity of the translations. This paper will focus on the analysis and comparison of cultural differences of Chinese and English idioms and explore the methods of proper English translation for Chinese idioms.
