
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

With the surge of British and American TV dramas into China, the accompanying political, economic, and cultural differences also occur, and subtitle plays an important role for the young audience to accept and reject the above differences. Young generation today is building cultural identities for themselves and in return, they are the one who also identify China’s current culture. The era of globalization, in which people are under various external cultural influences, makes this building process more complicated. As is mentioned, the rationale of this paper is based on this process.
From the starting point of contemporary post-colonial scholar, Homi K. Bhabha’s conception of cultural hybridity and third-space, exploration of subtitle translator’s role in cultural identification within third space will be presented in this paper and the exploration concerns with fine subtitling examples abstracted from popular English TV dramas and movies nowadays.

Keywords   Post-colonialism Homi K. Bhabha  Third Space  Bilingual Subtitle  British and American TV Movies and TV Dramas

本论文以后殖民翻译理论为基础,着重于霍米•巴巴的文化翻译理论。通过收集时下流行的英美影视剧字幕中涉及文化、民族情感、政治意识形态的部分,英语论文范文,例如剧中人物的对白, 影片的片名、演职员表、片头、片尾等语料,结合整部著作的基调、中心思想以及剧中人物的思想感情发展,英语论文网站,将英美影视剧的字幕翻译人员和观剧者分别置于霍米•巴巴提出的第三空间,探究译者在第三空间里对观剧者进行文化定位的过程,在此基础上研讨译者如何合理应用字幕翻译传达各种文化情感,以及如何正确进行自身的定位。

关键词  后殖民主义 霍米•巴巴 第三空间  字幕 英美影视剧

1  Introduction
Among cross-cultural media, films and television dramas are of the most universal popularity. The total number of registered members in the four biggest American Drama BBS in mainland China (Ydy, FTP, RagBear, YYeTs) is above 2 million (updated to March, 2017, according to data shown on each BBS). With the surge of British and American TV dramas into China, the accompanying political, economic, and cultural differences also occur. Subtitle plays an important role in people’s accepting and rejecting the above differences. Though British and American TV drama enjoy great popularity among the youth, translation theories focused on subtitling in China has not yet formed a comprehensive theoretical system, let alone the location of subtitle translators. The present paper serves as a tentative study of this role and the paper is based on contemporary post-colonial scholar, Homi Bhabha’s conception of cultural hybridity and third-space.
