
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Xu Yuanchong is a splendid one among the many scholars who engage in translation of ancient Chinese literature.His greatest achievement is that he translated poetry from Chinese to English and French, all in verse rhythm but not prose form.His translating career lasts a lifelong and is going on, in both practice and theory areas.Today there are varied studies around Xu and his translation, but few are focused on the potential coupling of culture in his translation practice. This thesis is trying to make up the piece.

The subject of the thesis is Analysis to the Cultural Coupling in Xu Yuanchong's 300 Tang Poems The thesis expounds XuYuanchong's theory system on the Tang Poetry translation based on comparison between different versions of Tang poems, and finds how different translation theories effect in translating practice.And more importantly the thesis explores the cultural coupling points in Xu's English version of 300 Tang Poems by using existed study results in poetry translation.

In Chapter One, the thesis gives a general introduction of the purpose and significances of the study.Chapter Two is a the thesis presents a literal review of existed studies on Xu Yuanchong's translation. In Chapter Three, the thesis presents Xu Yuanchong's translation theories in details, and explains how Xu's translation theory system helps revealing cultural coupling in different languages.

Chapter Four explains the definition of "cultural coupling", and how does it be shown in Xu Yuanchong's poetry translation.The thesis mainly analyzes Xu Yuanchong's translation works, especially the image translation strategy in the texts, and compares different versions of Tang poem translation to support the author's point of view.

At the end of the thesis is a brief conclusion gives a summary of what has been discussed in this thesis.At last, the author acknowledges Xu’s outstanding contribution to both Chinese systematic translation theory and practice, regarding him as a master of a centry of Chinese literature translation.

Key words: Xu Yuanchong, poetry translation, cultural coupling, 300 Tang Poems
