On the Translation of Biancheng from the Perspective of Skopos Theory[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Skopos Theory was put forward by German scholar Hans J. Vermeer and it is the core of German functionalist theory. The theory focuses on the translation purpose and function, and its birth injects a new vitality into translation field. Skopos Theory frees the translators from the various bounds and enables them to adopt different appropriate translation strategies to achieve the intended purposes of translation.

Biancheng, the representative work of Shen Congwen, is an excellent novella expressing affection for native land. Its distinct artistic charm and appealing local elements attract readers all over the world. This paper intends to discuss Gladys Yang’s translation version of Biancheng from the perspective of Skopos Theory by analyzing some specific examples to see how the basic rules of Skopos Theory are embodied and discussing the translation strategies employed in the text. Consequently, conclusion can be drew that the translation strategies such as literal translation, free translation, addition and deletion, etc applied in the target text are appropriate and they conform to the basic rules of Skopos Theory, helping to achieve the aim of cultural communication. 

Key words: Skopos Theory, purpose, translation strategy, Biancheng

摘        要

关键词:目的论,目的,翻译策略 ,英语毕业论文,《边城》
