Analysis of the English translated versions of the Saying Goodbye to the Cambridge Again[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Analysis of the English translated versions of the Saying Goodbye to the Cambridge Again from the Principle of Three Beauties


Poetry is a characteristic language and able to maximize the connotation of the Art, “Poetry is the essence of literature, so real literature must have the characteristics of poetry”. As a literary translation, the highest state of poetry translation is the concentrated languages, which is the essence of language; therefore, the poetry should be translated based on the following principle: faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance. The highest goal of literary translation is to make the translated works become literature, not only bearing the similarities in form, but also in meaning. We need to make translated work boast the value of beauty of Sound, Form and Sense.

This thesis will analyze the Saying Goodbye to the Cambridge Again from the perspective of Three Beauties Principle, in order to enjoy and appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of the English translated versions in a better way. It will be more meaningful literary appreciation activities. In the process of the appreciation, we can evaluate the different English translated versions from different translators, to find out style about the translator, the translator's culture, psychology, background characteristics, and even national characteristics, to understand the author's creative writing styles. Through repeated reading, you would experience and comprehend the chapters’ characteristics, rhythm, feel the beauty of Sound, chew poetic language, grasp the poetic image, and then understand the ideological thoughts of the author, based on tasting its artistic styles based on the Three Beauties: Sound and Form and Sense.
Key words: Saying Goodbye to the Cambridge Again, poetry translation, Xu Yuanchong, the Three Beauties Principle, comparative analyzing
