From Cultural Translation Theory to Subtitle Translation Strategies of “Madagascar 3”[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


As cultural study is becoming a spotlight in many research fields, the study of translation is inevitably set under this trend. Under the influence of such research background, Professor Susan Bassnett develops the famous cultural translation theory, which not only represents a new perspective for translation theory research, but also plays an important role of guidance concerning the translation practice. As imported films heated in the domestic film market, the status of subtitle translation of imported films has become increasingly important in the field of translation study. As one of representatives of imported films, the subtitle translation of “Madagascar 3” received widespread attention for the localized and humorous translation characteristics.

This thesis employs cultural translation theory as theoretical foundation and mainly focuses on the subtitle translation strategies of imported films in domestic film market, adopts content analysis and case study as research methods. It first elaborates the translation characteristics of film subtitle; then it represents the cultural translation theory. After that, on the basis of cultural translation theory, it explores and analyses the subtitle translation strategies of imported films combining the subtitle translation of “Madagascar 3”. At last, it provides some suggestions of subtitle translation strategies of imported films from the cultural translation theory, such as cater to the common psychology of the domestic audience, explore the particular customs and traditions of domestic markets and incorporate the images of traditional domestic characters.

This thesis is not only a necessary complement to subtitle translation literature of imported films, but also provides film subtitle translators a preference.

Key words: Cultural Translation Theory, film subtitle, translation strategy, case study
