
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


There has been a long time that people discussed and considered the Chinese senior high school education to be highly intense. Teenagers who are educated by the education system lack creativity. A rising group of people have paid close attention to the diversity of American senior high school education, which leads to a heated discussion on the differences, merits and demerits between American and Chinese senior high school education. High School Musical is the exact movie which shows us the study and life of American senior high school teenagers. This will make more people acquainted with American senior high school education from this American movie.
High School Musical is a Disney series campus movie. It mainly talks about the students from East High School who overcome difficulties from friends and family in order to perform in the winter school musical and finally they succeed. What they have done inspires the rest to get out of their own world and live a colorful life.
The author of this paper intends to compare the American senior high school life and education the movie has expressed with Chinese senior high school education. The first part of the paper is to introduce the movie High School Musical. The second part is to analyze the current situation of Chinese senior high school education. The third part is to analyze the current situation of American senior high school education in combination with the movie. And the fourth part is to present the author’s opinion on the senior high school education of China and America respectively, and to discuss the merits and demerits of these two kinds of education.

Key words: senior high school; education; difference; High School Musical

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