
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


This article aims at improving middle school students’ oral English by Situational Approach. Considering the existing problems, the author elaborates the theoretic basis of Situational Approach and applies this method to the presentation, practice and production stages of oral English teaching in middle school. The study shows that Situational Approach improves not only students’ oral English, but also their pragmatic competence greatly. The author hopes this article can make teachers gain certain enlightenment in their English teaching, thus improving students’ oral English competence and constructing a harmonious and efficient English learning classroom.

Key words: Situational Approach; oral English teaching; middle school




1. Introduction
With the further depth of China’s reform and opening up and more and more frequent international contact, English and English teaching have become increasingly prominent. After the implementing of new English textbooks and Standard Curriculum, learning and using English to carry out oral communication gradually become the practical need of society. It’s high time that we take oral English seriously and put more effort into enhancing the teaching of spoken English and improving students’ English communicative competence. It’s not only a demand of quality-oriented education, but also the tendency of English teaching reform. However, Chinese students’ English learning conditions are not positive. Teachers and students are still haunted by “Dumb English”. Some students have very great written test grades, but their oral English sounds awful; some students don’t even want to speak English and they avoid communication at all hours. It’s an important task for teachers to help students quell fears and love to speak English. To achieve this purpose, the paper tries to apply Situational Approach to middle school oral English teaching. It consists of five parts: theoretic basis of situational approach, status quo of oral English teaching in middle school, application of situational approach to middle school oral English teaching, introspection of applying situational approach to middle school oral English teaching and conclusion.
