
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Home is the most important place for children to receive education. And family education definitely has profound influence on one’s whole life. Due to the difference of social system, cultural background and other aspects between China and America, the family education concepts are vastly different from each other. Study on the differences between Chinese and American family education concepts must be referential to the study of the east and western cultures. On the other hand, with the globalization and the cultural exchange between China and America, both of the concepts have been changed and are being changed. This article is focused on the evolution of the family education concepts and their interaction, the cultural assimilation is also part of the discussion, which is expected to supply some references for the improvement of China’s family education, cultivation of international talents and cross-cultural communication.

Keywords: family education; concept; evolution; cultural assimilation

摘  要:

家庭是对孩子进行教育的最重要场所。家庭教育的成功与否联系着一个人的一生。由于中美两国社会制度,文化背景等方面的不同,家庭教育观念也大不相同。深入了解中美家庭教育观念的异同,可以更好地了解中西文化的基本异同。另一方面,随着全球化的发展趋势和中美之间的文化交流深入,英语毕业论文,这两个概念已经改变,也将继续改变。本文以中国和美国家庭教育观念的变化及其相互作用作为切入点进行整体论述;文化趋同性也是论述的一部分。 本文将为如何改善家庭教育观念,英语论文,实现人才培养的国际化和中美跨文化交际提供参考。

关键词:家庭教育;观念;嬗变 ;文化趋同

1.    Introduction
As the basic unit of society, family is the first place where children receive education and it is also the first place to come into contact with society for children. Therefore, family education plays an important role on children’s lives. Social development demands high-quality talent and good family education is the key to cultivating talents. According to the definition given by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), the contents of family education include four aspects, namely, learning how to learn, learning how to survive, learning how to become mature and learning how to get along with others. In modern society, the diversity of family education is associated with family life education, family moral education and family relations education. Gradually, family education comes into a system. Family education concept is the idea about how the parents educate children, what kind of way they use, and what kind of people they want children to be. So setting up the correct family education concepts has a great influence on children.
