
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Language learning is a difficult and complex progress. It is affected by many factors. In this article emphasis is put on discussing the effect of thinking and learning strategies on English learning. Through analysis, we can see thinking is one critical element in English learning and learning strategy is important for English learners. Combining the two aspects together and eventually it helps English learners make an progress in English learning.

Key words: thinking, learning strategies, combination, English learning

摘    要



1.    Introduction
How to learn English well and how to make a progress in English learning is an important concern for English learners. Most of us have had the common experience that a group of learners had the same teacher and followed the same textbook, but different levels of proficiency were achieved by individuals in the class at the end of the training program. In the past 20 or 30 years, applied linguists have showed that a host of learner characteristics are attributed to, not all, but at least part of one’s success or failure in L2 learning.
As Yi Xiubo¹ pointed out “Learner’s cognitive variations, affective states and personal characteristics are likely to have a direct effect on L2 learning.”Since thinking is one of the important content of cognitive abilities. Such questions are asked: What is the relation between thinking and language learning? Does thinking have a good effect on English learning? Through analyzing from three aspects in the article, we can see thinking is one critical element in English learning. English thinking modes can help English learners achieve a better understanding, and have a more effective communication with others. 
Though English learning is affected by thinking and many other aspects, how do these things operate? Referring to content that Yi Xiubo demonstrated in Applied Linguistics——Language and Teaching, we can see leaning strategies play an important role in English learning. Researches show that, only stressing the importance of skills but neglecting the learning strategies make students lost in learning, decrease the quality of education, and indirectly get the students burdened. The positive use of learning strategies can not only help to improve the quality of language learning, but also lessen the burden of learning. From the above studies we can believe that learning strategies are important for English learners and having suitable strategies can help English learners on some aspects. 
