
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract: With the in-depth of national educational reform, more attention has been paid to autonomous learning. Besides, English reading is very important for students to broaden their horizon and foster their ability to use the language. However, many empirical research findings show that the traditional teacher-centered model is still widely used in EFL reading classes, which makes students lose their initiative to read. In this paper, on the basis of humanism learning theory, constructive learning theory and goal setting theory, the author proposes a new autonomous reading model and explores some efficient reading teaching strategies under this new model. The application of this model can help students stimulate their reading interests and motivation through goal setting and a series of situational dynamic interaction activities. In addition, through online interaction students will know how to use reading skills effectively to improve their reading ability. The interactive evaluation system can help students realize their weaknesses and help them make some improvement to achieve better performance in their further reading. In a word, the application of this model can increase students’ willingness to be autonomous and improve their ability to learn autonomously. More effective autonomous reading models should be explored to help students form good reading habits and then make them play the major roles in reading.
Key words: autonomous learning; reading model; the humanism learning theory; the constructive learning theory

