The textbook plays a crucial part in the process of teaching. Yet with the development of the society, textbooks have to be adapted for the need of the society. Textbook revision should be supported by evaluation since evaluation can present valuable advice to it. Based on the evaluation theories of teaching materials, the author analyzes and evaluates the Go for it! Series from the perspective of Junior High School English Curriculum Standard (“Curriculum Standard” for short) (2017).
From the aspects of phonetics and pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, common expressions for communication and common topics, this paper exams how much the textbooks match up with the Curriculum Standard.
From the study, it has been found that, generally speaking, the Series match up with the Curriculum Standard well, especially with regard to the phonetics and pronunciation, grammar and common expressions for communication. However problems still exist. The vocabulary quantity is far beyond the requirement of the Curriculum Standard; as for the topics, almost one fifth of the topics required in the Curriculum Standard are not discussed or even not mentioned.
In consideration of the problems, the author points out that special attention needs to be drawn to the reduction of the vocabulary size in the word list and more topics required by the Curriculum Standard should be introduced into the textbook; on the other hand, it is necessary for teachers to emphasize the key words listed in the Curriculum Standard and add some topics referring to the Curriculum Standard so that to meet the requirements of the Curriculum Standard.
Key words: Go for it, textbook evaluation, Junior High School English, Curriculum Standard
摘 要
教材在教学过程中起着非常大的影响,而随着社会的发展,教材需要不断更新,以适应社会发展的需要。教材更新需要有评估做支撑,因为教材评估可以为教材的更新提出建议和参考。本篇论文在探讨中外教材评估理论的基础上,从《义务教育英语课程标准》(2017)的角度对Go for it!系列教材进行评估。
通过探讨发现,Go for it!系列教材基本满足课程标准的规定。在语音、语法和常见交际用语方面比较贴近标准。在词汇方面,英语毕业论文,主要问题在于单词表中有的单词超出课程标准所规定的范围;而在常见话题方面,主要问题在于一些话题仅仅在课文中提到,没有给出相应的介绍,而有的话题甚至没有在课文中提到。
关键词:Go for it, 教材评估,初中英语,课程标准