
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract:In ever-Smaller Contemporary, World, intercultural Communication(abbreviated in IC).Plays an increasingly important role. This paper discusses the Concept and research meaning of IC, and at the same time, there are many problems or conflicts existing in IC, While the paper giving appropriate attention to practical solutions of Intercultural Communication problems. 本论文由英语论文网/and then, the paper strongly emphasizes how to teach IC in English teaching and propose several useful teaching Strategies to help student to learn IC well and deal with some problems of IC in their daily life. Besides this the paper is focusing o some demands for on English teacher. To be an English teacher one Should realize the role one acts in IC teaching and the demands one must got in IC teaching, and then, teacher Can use appropriate and Modern Ways/methods to teach students and cultivate the ICC (intercultural Communication Competence) for students. Do like this, students will be improved in ICC and have ability to Communicate with others in ICC.
Key Words:
Culture , Communication , Intercultural Communication ,英语论文范文, Conscious Competence 。

I. Introduction :

“Intercultural Communication” is a relatively new-and interdisciplinary-area of research which is characterized by the fact that it deals with a wide range of different phenomena all aspects of Communication between people of different Cultures.
Because the adjective ”intercultural” is now days used in a very inflationary way in the most varied Contexts and because “Culture” and “communication” occur frequently as “passed-partout” concepts, it would seem appropriate here first to explicate the concept of “culture” and “communication”.
There are two concepts for “culture”. The first one is like this: “Culture” will be understood in the sense of cognitive cultural anthropology as a body of knowledge shared by members of a society as to standards of perceiving, believing, evaluating and acting( Good enough 1971),a knowledge which is itself manifested in the public performance of symbolic behavior (Geertz 1973)and which is taken for granted when dealing with one other (ABS 1973). And another concept for culture is proposed by Hosted in 1991,that is “ Culture is Collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one Category of people form another. And “Communication” is to be understood as interpersonal interaction by means of a linguistic symbol system in the widest sense, I. e. one which includes verbal, Para-verbal and non-verbal elements; a system that can be realized either directly (fact-to-face) or via other media (written, aural, visual.)

II. The Concept of Intercultural Communication

“Intercultural Communication”(abbreviated in this article as IC) can hence be defined as the interpersonal interaction between members of different groups, which differ form each other in respect of the knowledge shared by their members and in respect of their linguistic forms of symbolic behavior. 本论文由英语论文网/In this Concepts of intercultural and Combines the Concepts of intercultural and communication, It also describes the problems and pitfalls of m
